
Multi Threading
Performing  multiple tasks at a time is called Multitasking. This is possible with the  Threads concept in JAVA. Java is also known as multithreaded programming language .Thread is a light weight process which executes one task at a time .In between tasks it takes gap and will do another task. Threads are executed concurrently.
In this diagram, two threads are being executed having more than one task. The task of each thread is switched to the task of another thread.
By default JVM creates two common threads known as
    1. Main thread: ---Is responsible to execute the main logic present in java application.
    2. Garbage Collector thread:--to delete unreferenced objects which are created by main thread.
 This GC thread is  also known as DEMON thread.
 Demon Thread:-- which is a low priority thread .It provides help to main thread.
Thread priority:--every thread has its own  priority.These are available from 1 to 10.
The thread priority is available in java.lang.Thread Class as below
                1. MIN_PRIORITY=1
                2. NORM_PRIORITY=5
                3. MAX_PRIORITY=10
We can create user-defined threads also in two ways .
ü  Extending from  Thread class
ü  Implementing from Runnable interface
If we extend our class with Thread class then our Class objects acts  like a Thread class objects . Then it displays the details as like Thread class details.The advantages of using threads are:
Ø  Can be created faster.
Ø  Inter process communication is faster.
Ø  Context switching is faster.
Ø  Max use of CPU.
                          Thread States
There are four states associated with a thread namely: new, runnable, dead and blocked.
 1. New:--Implies that the Thread object has been created but it has not started running.
    It requires the START() to start it.
2. Runnable:--in this the thread is ready for execution.
3. Running:--in this the thread is executing the process .It contains set of instructions and it is called automatically after start ().
4. Waiting: - in this the thread is going to waiting state .
5. Blocked:--The THREAD could be run but there is something that prevents it.                                                                                                                                                                                         
6. Dead ():--after execution finished the thread going to die. not suggest able.
                                     Thread class Methods
  1.void start()
This method causes the thread to begin excution.
2.void run()
run() cosists of user-defined logic which is executed
 When the thread execution is started.

3.void setName(String name)
This method sets the name to a thread.
4.setPriority(int priority)
sets the priority for the thread.
5.void setDeamon(Boolean val)
This sets the thread to Demon thread.
6.String getName()
Returns the THREAD name. getpriority()
returns the priority.
8.Boolean isDemon()
It checks wheather it is a demon Thread or not.
9.void interrupt()
It interrupts the thread excecution.
10.void join()
stops one execution,excutes another and comeback.
11.void  suspend()
will suspends the thread execution.
12.void resume()
continued after suspend().
13.void sleep(long mc):--
Void sleep(long ms,int n)

Sends to sleeping state

Along with these methods 5 methods are inherited fromjava.lang.object are:---
void wait ()
void wait (long ms)
void wait (long ms, int ns)
   These are used to send a thread to waiting state.
void notify()
void notifyAll()
notifies after waiting time is over.
1. When we call start(), internally it calls run().
2.To run  run() compulsory we need to call start().
3.If we use start() two times then it runs randomly,
No need of in the same order,will run in any order.We can set the priority of a thread.
//If we create a object to a class ,this we call it as a thread.
class  ThEx extends Thread{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  ThEx t1=new ThEx();
                  ThEx t2= new ThEx();
                  t1.start();   t2.start();
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
}  }
Note : - by default priority is 5
class  ThEx1 extends Thread{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  ThEx1 t1=new ThEx1();
                  System.out.println("The t1 priority " +t1.getPriority());
      public void run(){
                       System.out.println(“am in run method ”);
} }
//creating  threads in different  class
//if multiple threads r running then it gives prioarity to main thread only
class A extends Thread{
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=10;i>0;i--){
      void show(){
                  System.out.println("am in show method");
class B extends Thread{
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
class ThEx2{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  A a=new A();
                  B b=new B();
                  a.start();  b.start();
                  for(int h=90;h<100;h++){
class mythread extends Thread{
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=1;i<=50;i++) {
                  catch (Exception e){
      public class FirstthreadProgram{
                  public static void main(String[] args) {
                              long time1,time2;
                              mythread t1=new mythread();
                              for(int i=50;i>=1;i--){
                              catch (Exception e){
                              System.out.println("\ntime taken to execute both the tasks:"+(time2+time1)/10000+"secs");
public class joinDemo extends Thread{
      joinDemo(String name){
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=0;i<=4;i++){
                  catch (Exception e){
                  }  }
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  joinDemo jd1=new joinDemo("child1");
                  joinDemo jd2=new joinDemo("child2");
                   for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
                                      }catch (Exception e){
                  }  }
                  catch (Exception e){
void setName(String name): -- We can SET the name. can change the default name to required name.
String getName():-- Gets the name.
Runnable Interface: ---
Runnable is an interface. So we use implements key word for runnable interface. And Thread is a implemented subclass for Runnable class and which is overring the  run() method . If we implements means compulsory we need to overwrite run().This will be called through start().
So hierarchy is as follows:
                                     Thread (subclass of runnable interface)    
//creating threads by implementing runnable interface
class NewThread implements Runnable {
      Thread th;
      NewThread()   {
                  //created a new thread
                  th=new Thread(this,"our own thread");
                  System.out.println("child thread,ourown thread:"+th);
      //this is entry point of the thread
      public void run(){
                  for(int i=5;i>=0;i--){
                              System.out.println("child thread:"+i);
                  }catch (InterruptedException e){
                              System.out.println("child interrupted");
public class RunnableDemo{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  new NewThread().th.start();
                  for(int i=5;i>=0;i--){
                              System.out.println("Main Thread:"+i);
                  }catch (InterruptedException e){
                              System.out.println("Main Interrupted");
                  System.out.println("Main Thread exited!");
                                      Thread  Synchrinization
Consider an example ,If 3 requests are going to a printer at same point of time,it may not work and leads to dead lock occurs.
In the same way if a resource is accessed by multiple threads at a time it leads to deadlock . In this case the resource  may be corrupted or cant produce the required output. To resolve this problem there is a Synchrinization Technique in java.This  checks for priority.
But if all the priorities are one and the same loke 5 then checks FirstInFirstOut,Round Robin Technique..etc to execute the threads.
This technique is implemented with “ synchronized ” keyword in java.
 Synchrinization technique is used to resolve the deadlock situation arised when we are Dealing with Multiple Threads.
//using class with synchronized method
class SMethod {
      synchronized  void display(String msg){
                  }catch (Exception e){ }
class SMCaller implements Runnable{
 String msg;
SMethod sm;
Thread th;
public SMCaller(SMethod sm,String s){;     msg=s;
      th=new Thread(this);
public void run(){
      }//end run
}//end class
public class SynchrinizationDemo{
      public static void main(String[] args) {
                  SMethod sm=new SMethod ();
                  SMCaller ob1=new SMCaller(sm," good morning ");
                  SMCaller ob2=new SMCaller(sm,"good afternoon ");
                  SMCaller ob3=new SMCaller(sm," good evening ");
  }//end class
*********good morning********
*********good  afternoon********
*********good evening********

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