Saturday, 8 February 2014

Eclipse Shortcuts

Eclipse IDE Shortcuts

1.Using shortcuts in Eclipse
                        Using shortcuts is usually preferable as you can perform actions much faster.
Eclipse supports of course the common shortcuts, e.g. Ctrl+S for saving, Ctrl+C for copying the selected text or file and Ctrl+V for pasting the element currently in the clipboard.

2. Quick Access
                   The Ctrl+3 shortcut allows you to perform all available actions in Eclipse. This shortcut puts the focus into the Quick Access search box which allows you to execute any Eclipse command.
    For example you can open a Preference, a Wizard, a view and a Preference page.
You can also use Quick Access to search for an opened editor by typing in the name of the resource which the editor shows.
The following screenshot shows how you could use Ctrl+3 to open the Wizard to create a new Java class.

3. Navigation
3.1. Globally available navigation shortcuts
Eclipse provides shortcuts for opening files or Java artifacts.
Table 1. Navigation
Ctrl + Shift + R
Search dialog for resources, e.g. text files
Ctrl + Shift + T
Search dialog for Java Types
Ctrl + E
Search dialog to select an editor from the currently open editors
Ctrl + F8
Shortcut for switching perspectives

3.2. Navigation shortcuts in the editor
If you are working in the Java editor you can also use certain shortcuts for faster navigation. The following tables lists a few of them.
Table 2. Search from an editor
Opens editor to selected element (type) or navigate to the declaration of the selected variable
Ctrl + .
Go to the next problem / error
Ctrl + ,
Go to the previous problem / error
F4 on a variable
Show type hierarchy
Ctrl + J
Incremental search without popup dialog, just starting typing to search. Press Ctrl + J to find the next match
Ctrl + K
Searches the selected text or if nothing is selected the last search from the Find dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + G
In the Java editor, search for references in the workspace
Ctrl + Shift + P
Select the matching bracket. Cursor needs to be placed before or after a bracket.

Table 3. Navigation between editors
Alt + ←
Go to previous opened editor. Cursor is placed where it was before you opened the next editor
Alt + →
Similar Alt + ← but opens the next editor
Ctrl + Q
Go to editor and the position in this editor where the last edit was done
Ctrl + PageUp
Switch to previous opened editor
Ctrl + PageDown
Switch to next opened editor

4. Start Java programs
Table 4. Running programs
Ctrl + F11
Run last launched
Alt + Shift + X, J
Run current selected class as Java application

5. Editing
The following lists contains useful keyboard shortcuts if you are inside your Java editor.
Table 5. Handling the editor
Ctrl + 1
Quickfix; result depending on cursor position
Ctrl + Space
Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + T
Show the inheritance tree of the current Java class or method.
Ctrl + O
Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Ctrl + M
Maximize active editor or view
Ctrl + Shift + F
Format source code
Ctrl + I
Correct indentation, e.g. format tabs/whitespaces in code
Ctrl + F
Opens the find dialog
Ctrl + Shift + O
Organize the imports; adds missing import statements and removes unused ones
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Wrap the select block of code into a block, e.g. try/catch.

Table 6. Cursor navigation and text selection
Ctrl + ← or Ctrl + →
Move one text element in the editor to the left or right
Ctrl + ↑ or ↓
Scroll up / down a line in the editor
Ctrl + Shift + P
Go to the matching bracket
Shift + Cursor movement
Select text from the starting position of the cursor
Alt + Shift ↑ / ↓
Select the previous / next syntactical element
Alt + Shift ↑ / ↓ / ← / →
Extending / reducing the selection of the previous / next syntactical element

Table 7. Copy and move lines
Ctrl + Alt + Cusor Down
Copy current line below the line in which the cursor is placed
Ctrl + Alt + Cusor Up
Copy current line above the line in which the cursor is placed
Alt + Up
Move line one line up
Alt + Down
Move line one line down

Table 8. Delete
Ctrl + D
Deletes line
Ctrl + Shift + DEL
Delete until end of line
Ctrl + DEL
Delete next element
Delete previous element

Table 9. Create new lines
Shift + Enter
Adds a blank line below the current line and moves the cursor to the new line. The difference between a regular enter is that the currently line is unchanged, independently of the position of the cursor.
Same as Shift + Enter but above

Table 10. Variable assignment
Ctrl + 2, L
Assign statement to new local variable
Ctrl + 2, F
Assign statement to new field

6. Coding
Table 11. Coding
Shift + F2
Show the Javadoc for the selected type / class / method
Alt+Shift + N
Shortcut for the menu to create new objects
Alt + Shift + Z
Surround block with try and catch

7. Refactoring
Table 12. Refactoring
Alt + Shift + R
Ctrl + 2, R
Rename locally (in file), faster than Alt + Shift + R
Alt + Shift + T
Opens the context-sensitive refactoring menu, e.g. displays

8. Minimum
The following shortcuts are the absolute minimum a developer should be familiar with to work efficient in Eclipse.
Table 13. Must known shortcuts
Ctrl + S
Saves current editor
Ctrl + 1
Quickfix; shows potential fixes for warnings, errors or shows possible actions
Ctrl + Space
Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + Q
Goes to the last edited position
Ctrl+ D
Deletes current line in the editor
Ctrl + Shift + O
Adjusts the imports statements in the current Java source file
Ctrl + 2, L or F
Assign statement to new local variable or field
Ctrl + Shift + T
Open Type Dialog
Ctrl + O
Shows quick outline of a class
Ctrl + F11
Run last launched application

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