what is a class ? what is an Object ?

1. Class representing a group of related members, grouped to do a specific action.
2. Class provides a blue print and that consists of all the class member details.
3. We can also define class is a category which consists of related propertied members.
Technically, a class consists of data members ,member functions. 
Ex:--In the bellow Example animal represents a category and that consists
Of all the same propertied members.

                                               Cat         Rat            Dog               Cow

In java a class syntax looks as bellow  
<Access_modifier>   class    <class_name>
public class Example
     public static void main(String [] args)
What are access modifiers in java?
An access modifier determines the accessibility scope of the Java elements that are being modified. If we not explicitly use an access modifier with a Java element, the element implicitly has the default access modifier. The explicit access modifiers may be used with a class and its members. They cannot be used with the variables inside a method. The Java has three explicit access modifiers viz. public, private and protected, and also has a default modifier, which is used when you do not explicitly specify a modifier.

The following table shows the access to members permitted by each modifier.

Access Levels
no modifier

1. Private:--     Its scope is within that class only.
2. Protected:--    Provides the accessibility to other classes also like subclasses.
3. Public:--   Provides accessibility to anybody .
4. default/package:--     Provides accessibility to packaged members.
Note:--If we don’t mention  any accessmodifier, by default it is package (default)only.
“class” is a keyword to represent a class. Classname is a userdefined name .
Note: class can also used as userdefined datatype
Naming convention while using classnames:--
ü  classname must start with alphabet.
ü  first letter usually capital.
ü  do not include spaces in between classnames.   
ü  we can also use digits in className
In general, class declarations can include these components, in order:
1. Modifiers such as public, private, and a number of others that you will encounter later.
2. The class name, with the initial letter capitalized by convention.
3. The name of the class's parent (superclass), if any, preceded by the keyword extends. A class can only extend (subclass) one parent.
4. The class body, surrounded by braces, {}.
  public class Bicycle {      
    private int gear;
    private int speed;           
    public int getGear() {
        return gear;
    public void setGear(int newValue) {
        gear = newValue;
    public int getSpeed() {
        return speed;
    public void applyBrake(int decrement) {
        speed -= decrement;
    public void speedUp(int increment) {
        speed += increment;
What is an Object  ?
v  Object  is an instance of a class.
v  Object  represents a reference of a class.
v  We can access the members of a class  With the help of object only.
v  In oops lang object is the main role.
<classname>  <objectname> = new  <constructorname>(param-list-if-any);
Ex:--  Example  e = new Example ();
1. Example ---represents a class name.
2. e---represents a class reference.
3. Class is a user-defined data type so “ e ” is reference for  “Example”  class.
4. “new”  is a keyword which is used to allocate memory dynamically for an object.
5. Example () ---is a constructor and which is used to construct an object.
Every  Object consists of three properties:--
1. Identity   2.State   3.Behaviour
For each object, it generates a 32-bit random number  in hexadecimal values Which is also known as hashcode of an object. Each object has its own hashcode.we can get it with hashCode() method.
  Class Ex
  Ex e = new Ex();
  Ex e1 = new Ex();
Every object contains its own state, State of an object is represented with the value which is stored in that object.
We have two instances:--
Class level:--always class level variable intialises with zero,can access anywhere.
Method level:--can initialize with something.
Behaviour : --
The object behavior depends upon the methods which is executing with this object .

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